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Showing posts from May, 2011

Bon Dia, Obrigado and Viva!!! Greetings from East Timor – one of the world’s newest countries

East Timor – Born in 1999  Bon Dia, Obrigado and Viva!!! Greetings from East Timor – one of the world’s newest countries. In 1975 Indonesia invaded East Timor by land and sea. The population then was 700,000. 5 years later it was 500,000. 200,000 killed in the first 5 years of the Indonesian ‘occupation’. Fast forward to 1999 and after years of struggle East Timor declares it’s independence from Indonesia. But the Indonesian army wreak havoc. Dili and other cities go up in flames. More than 200,000 Timorese fled into the nearby hills and civilians across the country were massacred.

Lihatlah lekat-lekat kedalam hatimu

"libur yang indah bersama keluarga" Orang-orang sedang bergembira merayakan hari libur yang indah bersama keluarga, dan engkau seolah terpisah dalam duniamu sendiri, dan bertanya-tanya untuk apa engkau ada dalam hidup ini. Tapi engkau tak sendiri.! Banyak sekali jiwa baik yang bingung mengenai untuk apa kehidupan ini, dan mengapa harus diarungi melalui kesulitan dan sakit hati. Sabarlah, dan manjakanlah dirimu kepada Tuhan. Dia sangat mencitaimu. .....Mario Teguh